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Follow the Drinking Gourd Reader’s Theater

Follow the Drinking Gourd

Blue Ridge Elementary students performed "Follow the Drinking Gourd," overcoming stage fright, enjoying the story, and practicing important study skills.

Blue Ridge Elementary Fun City Summer School

Blue Ridge Elementary Fun City Summer School fourth and fifth-grade students showed off their theatrical and musical skills during a Reader's Theater of the book Follow the Drinking Gourd adapted by Jeanette Winter.

After a flawless performance, a few students mentioned getting over a bit of stage fright in order to perform.  

Each student also talked about what they liked most about the project. 

Several students commented they liked how the story went together, they could picture the story in their mind, they enjoyed singing and more. 

Each student practiced important study skills such as repetition, singing for memorization and movement, which they will continue to use in the future. 

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