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Celebrating Math Week in CPS

archive news

Elementary students from across Columbia Public Schools participated in a Virtual Math Week from March 7-11.

In conjunction with Mind Research and ST Math, CPS launched a website with activities for families. Students engaged in these math activities with their families and siblings from home on their own time. 

Students logged more than 830,000 minutes reading math stories and playing math games at home with their families, more than doubling the initial goal of 350,000 minutes.

The stories on the site included math concepts such as counting, addition, multiplication and fractions. Students played games such as Kraal Animals and Turtle Sums to practice counting skills, addition and logical reasoning.

Another one of the games was Achi, a version of tic-tac-toe with a bit of a twist. If both players used all four of their tokens, they could take turns sliding the tokens sideways or diagonally into an open square for the win. 

Some elementary schools also held ST Math competitions that week to see which grade level solved the most puzzles. Winning grade levels received popsicles from the ST Math penguin, Jiji. 

Watch the CPS 2022 Math Week Video


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